ROK's award-winning espresso makers do not need electricity, and as a result, they make very little noise. All their espresso makers come with a coffee spoon that doubles as a tamper. ROK also makes a range of coffee accessories that also do not use electricity.
How do you use a ROK espresso maker?
To make espresso in a ROK espresso machine, follow these steps:
Pre-Heat: First pour hot water just off the boil into the chamber and lift the two levers up all the way. Place the espresso cup you want to use at the base of the machine and flush out the hot water by pushing the two levers back down; this pre-heats the machine and the espresso cup. Throw the water out of the cup and place it back at the base of the machine.
Prepare the Coffee: Fill the portafilter with finely ground coffee beans using the coffee spoon, which holds the exact amount of ground coffee you need to fill the portafilter. With the back of the coffee spoon, tamp down the coffee grounds as evenly as possible. Attach the portafilter to the group head.
Pre-Infuse the Coffee: Fill the chamber with hot water just off the boil (the ideal brewing temperature is between 90-95°C). Raise the levers until the water in the chamber has gone past the seal at the base, then press the arms down and stop halfway to the bottom. Let it be halfway pulled for a few seconds to pre-infuse the coffee and let it swell.
- Pull the Shot: Pull the levers back up to the top, then slowly push all the way down to squeeze the water through. You should feel some resistance as the espresso comes down from the portafilter and lands in your espresso cup. Enjoy!
For a video of this process, visit this page here.
How do you use the ROK Coffee Grinder?
The ROK Coffee Grinder is perfect for all types of coffee, from French to Turkish. Unlike many electric grinders, this runs quietly. Just fill the chamber with whole beans, twist the bottom of the grinder to choose a grind size between finest and most coarse, and wind the grinder forwards to grind the coffee into the collection basket. Make sure you put a hand on the top to steady the machine as you grind.
Static can be produced by the metal burrs acting on the coffee particles. It varies depending on a number of issues such as bean type or humidity. Normally the static naturally dissipates after a minute or two and a knock of the grinder body will shift it more quickly.
If users experience excessive static with their beans we recommend using the Water Droplet Method. Simply flick a few drops of tap water into the beans prior to grinding. For a video to see how this works, click here.